.andré guiboux
Images de corps et de fesses, traits de chairs obsessionnelles, péniblement figurés et défigurés.
A la limite de l’abstraction, je sculpte une image surgit de la matière. Mon geste guette l’inintentionnel.
J’aimerais en dire le moins possible pour décharger dans ces images d’amours, seulement la trace invisible du désir.
Images of body and buttocks, traits of obsessional flesh, painfully figured and disfigured.
At the limit of abstraction, I carve an image emerges from the material. My gesture seeks the unintentional.
I would like to say as little as possible to unload in these images of love, only the invisible trace of desire.

HER (7) . 2019 . 110 x 75 cm

HER (8) . 2019 .110 x 75 cm

HER (1) . 2018 .110 x 75 cm

HER (4) . 2019 . 46 x 36 cm

HER (9) . 2019 .110 x 75 cm

HIM (1) . 2018 . 29,7 x 21 cm

Annonciation . 2019 . 110 x 75 cm

HER (15) . 2019 .65 x 50 cm

HER (18) . 2019 .65 x 50 cm

HER (2) . 2018 .110 x 75 cm

HER (19) . 2019 .65 x 50 cm

HER (20) . 2019 . 65 x 50 cm

HER (14) . 2019 . 65 x 50 cm

PARLER AUX ANGES #2 . (Détail) 2019 .310 x 210 cm

HER (27) . 2019 .65 x 50 cm

HER (26) . 2019 .65 x 50 cm

HER (29) . 2019 .70 x 50 cm

HIM (8) . 2019 .80 x 60 cm

HER (31) . 2019 .65 x 50 cm

HER (30) . 2019 .65 x 50 cm
HER (25) . 2019 .65 x 50 cm